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Attorney at Law

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Attorney at Law

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What If I Do Nothing? We Can Help You Make An Informed Choice

Many people struggle when deciding whether or not to file for bankruptcy. One question to ask that may help you come to a decision is: What will happen if I don’t file for bankruptcy? Usually, the answer is: If I do nothing, then nothing will change.

The Consequences Of Not Filing For Bankruptcy

Unless you make a drastic change such as filing bankruptcy, you will continue to deal with the following types of issues:

  • Your creditors will continue to harass you with letters and telephone calls.
  • You will still be faced with the threat of civil lawsuits followed by garnishments and liens placed upon your home or other real estate.
  • You may still live in fear that your house may be subject to foreclosure.
  • You will still be living from paycheck to paycheck, unable to save for retirement or the college education of your children.
  • Your credit score will continue to decrease, and you will pay high interest rates whenever you try to finance a car or other necessity.
  • You will continue to toss and turn all night when you need to be sleeping, and you will continue to fight with your spouse about money.

Have you had enough? Give us a call for a free consultation to determine if bankruptcy is right for you. At , Attorney at Law, we will help you evaluate your current situation and help you determine if bankruptcy is the right choice for you and your family.

Call 615-206-3004

At , Attorney at Law, we help individuals and families in Gallatin, Portland, Hendersonville, Lebanon and the surrounding area. Let us evaluate your financial situation and help you understand your bankruptcy options. Your first consultation with a lawyer is free with no obligation. Call or contact us online today.

We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.